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Connecting to a git host

Unlike other web-based editors, Clovyr Code will register itself directly with your git host. Connecting to a git host via Clovyr Code is similar to storing a git config file on your local development machine.

This design means that as long as you are on the same network (like the open internet, or inside the same firewall), you can use Clovyr Code with any git host, not just a handful of popular hosts like GitHub or GitLab. It also means that your credentials and authentication tokens are not intermediated or intercepted by Clovyr (the company).

Creating a committer identity

Before changes are pushed to a remote repository, they are committed locally. Git requires all commits to be associated with a name and email address. This information is stored in the git logs which follow changes through pull/merge requests to the repo.

If Clovyr Code is already logged in to some popular git hosts like GitHub or GitLab, your existing committer identity may be able to be imported. If so, when you make a first commit in a repo:

  1. The Clovyr Code extension appears and requests confirmation of an imported identity.
  2. Accept the proposed identity, OR enter a new committer identity in the Name and Email fields
  3. Optionally, check the box to indicate that this identity should be used for all commits to this git host (selected by default)
  4. Click the "Done" button

If you are working on a public repo and have not previously authenticated to its git host, your committer identity must be added. When you make a first commit in a repo:

  1. The Clovyr Code extension appears and requests confirmation of an imported identity.
  2. Enter your preferred committer identity in the Name and Email fields
  3. Optionally, check the box to indicate that this identity should be used for all commits to this git host (selected by default)
  4. Click the "Done" button

Note that if you eventually decide to make a pull or merge request to a public repository, your committer identity will be part of the public information included in the submission logs.

Authenticating to a git host

Authentication is required to:

  • Clone a private repository
  • Push and merge code
  • Perform any other authentication-required git actions on the remote repository

When an authentication-required git action is attempted, the Clovyr Code extension appears.

  1. Enter the username for the target git host. Note that this may be different than your Clovyr Account username!
  2. Create and enter your access token for the target git host. If access tokens are not supported, enter your password. Again, this is not your Clovyr Account password!
    • It is strongly recommended that wherever supported, you use a personal access token (sometimes called an "app password") in place of a password.
    • See personal access token directions for: GitHub | GitLab | Bitbucket
  3. Optionally, check the box to indicate that this account should be used for all commits to this git host (selected by default)
  4. Click the "Done" button